Lucio Quevedo

Front-end developer_

Hello, I'm Lucio, a 22-year-old front-end developer with a passion for crafting seamless user experiences. I've been immersed in the world of web development for the past ~2.5 years, honing my skills in a dynamic fintech startup environment. While my primary focus is front-end development, I also possess a strong foundation in back-end development.

Work Experience


July 2022 - Present

In my role, I have demonstrated expertise in full-stack development and project leadership. I developed a client dashboard integrating multiple API services for MOX, optimized a Next.js landing page with multilingual support and introduced a Contentful-driven blog section. I also maintained scraper robots for data retrieval and created a real-time health-check service to monitor API status.

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • AWS
  • Puppeteer
  • FCM
  • MongoDB

VF Portfolio

June 2022 - August 2022

This project served as my introduction to the world of web development, where I led the development of Victoria Fernández's portfolio using Next.js in partnership with a small freelance team. It was a valuable experience that allowed me to demonstrate my commitment to learning and my ability to deliver a professional digital solution.

  • NextJS
  • SASS
  • Figma


Red Book

Coder House - 2022

For my final project at Coder House, I conceived and brought to life Red Book, an online bookstore. This endeavor challenged me to create a comprehensive e-commerce web application that relied on Firebase for data storage. During the months of March and April 2022, I skillfully utilized React JS and Bulma to design and develop the platform. This project exemplifies my ability to deliver complex, fully functional web applications and manage projects to successful completion.

  • React
  • Bulma
  • Firebase
RedBook Main Page